Monday, August 27, 2007

Getting Used to 4 AM

Throughout the years, I've done tours of duty as an early morning news anchor and a regular substitute on the Morning Edition shift.

If you've been listening during the past few weeks, you've heard me on my current run as an ME sub. The rule of thumb is that it takes about two weeks to get used to getting up at 4 AM.

That includes a lot of little things -- forcing yourself up when the alarm goes off; making sure you get to bed at a decent hour the night before; setting your clothes out so you don't disturb your wife (too much); getting used to a new eating schedule; and trying to leave work around 2 PM (which hasn't happened yet, by the way).

In the meantime, I'm heading a search committee to hire a permanent ME host/reporter. I'll have more on that later.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, I know how you feel, Butler! I NEVER got used to getting up early when I worked the Morning Edition shift. Neither did Dale, the host and Ops Manager before me. I'm just not a morning person.

Although I miss Alabama in different ways, I don't miss the early rising. Here at Southwestern Seminary, I don't have to be on campus till 8:00 a.m. at the earliest. It's WONDERFUL!!

Jason Norris
SWBTS, Fort Worth, TX