Monday, August 13, 2007

Protecting Journalists and Their Sources

As a journalist, I maintain professional standards (i.e. being fair and impartial) when covering news, regardless of what I think about an issue personally.

However, as a journalist, there are some issues that merit my full support. A federal shield law is one of them. There's a bill in the U.S. House called the ''Free Flow of Information Act.'' You can read it here. It's designed to keep the government from compelling journalists to disclose their unidentified sources in most (but not all) circumstances.

Alabama Congressman Artur Davis (D-7th) supports the legislation and is on the committee that sent the bill to the House. However, he says there are still some gaps in the bill.

I ran into Congressman Davis recently in Tuscaloosa and asked him about the legislation. Listen to what he said about the bill.

If you want more information, the Radio Television News Directors Association and the Society of Professional Journalists have great resources on their web sites.


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