Thursday, December 13, 2007

After Tuskegee

This Friday, my contribution to our locally produced DNA Files series will air. This segment examines why so few minorities are involved in clinical testing and research and what is being done to address the issues. One of the primary reasons cited by minorities as why they will not participate in clinical testing and research is lack of trust. This attitude is usually linked with trials like the Tuskegee Syphilis Studies.

Researchers are hoping their community-based efforts will help overcome some of the trust issues and educate the public about bioethics.

Working on this story was so eye-opening for me. Not only was I able to find out some of the methods being used to attract a more wide variety of people to testing, but I also found out WHY this is so important. Having a cross section of people involved in testing is vitally important to putting new drugs and medical techniques on the market that are safe and effective.

I hope you enjoy this upcoming story and most importantly, I hope you walk away with a desire to find out more about the topic of clinical research.


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